Limited Role

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We were brought together in a crowd,
In a circle of introductory stories.
You came simply, without many words,
But slowly you became the color of my empty day.

Message after message, you bring hope,
Your light illuminates the way in the darkness.
Even though you’re always humble, not confident,
Even though you’re the star in the sky of this heart.

Are we just a role?
A brother’s sister or a hope?
This feeling doesn’t know where it’s going,
Please tell me, don’t make me ask.

Days pass, space is not always the same,
Only messages become a bridge between times.
I ask, are you the answer,
Or just a shadow that won’t last?

You taught me to go far,
But my heart remains silent, afraid of falling.
Without definition, we walk,
But inside, there’s doubt.

Are we just a role?
A brother’s sister or a hope?
This feeling doesn’t know where it’s going,
Please tell me, don’t make me ask.

If you know my heart,
Will things change between times?
Or do we stay like this, without certainty,
Walking together, but separated on the road.

Are we just a role?
A brother’s sister or a hope?
This feeling doesn’t know where it’s going,
Please tell me, don’t make me ask.

Baca Juga:  Nun and the Enchanted Forest

To time, I leave the answer,
Because the heart can’t keep waiting for hope.
You are special, without me saying it,
I hope you know, even if only in silence.

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