Course Outline of Mata Kuliah Umum (MKU) Bahasa Inggris

Chapter 3

Vocabulary Building

Common Vocabulary in Everyday Contexts
Using Context Clues for Reading Comprehension
Writing a Short Descriptive Paragraph

Chapter 4

Narrative Texts

Introduction to Narrative Texts
Reading Short Stories and Identifying Key Elements
Writing Simple Narratives
Competency Test (Narrative Writing Test)

Chapter 5

Descriptive Texts

Describing Objects, People, and Places
Reading Descriptive Texts
Using Visual Prompts for Writing

Chapter 6

Summarizing Skills

Identifying Key Points in a Text
Writing Summaries of Short Passages
Competency Test (Summary Writing Task)

Chapter 7

Argumentative Texts

Structure of an Argumentative Paragraph
Reading Simple Opinion Pieces
Writing a Short Argumentative Paragraph

Chapter 8

Review Texts

Introduction to Reviews
Reading Reviews and Analyzing Structure
Writing a Simple Review

Chapter 9


Introduction to the Five-Paragraph Essay Structure
Reading Essays and Identifying Thesis Statements
Writing a Simple Essay Draft
Competency Test (Essay Writing)

Chapter 10

Editing Skills

Peer Review and Self-Editing Techniques
Reading Texts for Cohesion and Coherence
Revising Essays for Clarity and Flow

Chapter 11

Introduction to Poetry

Reading Simple Poems
Introduction to Basic Poetic Devices (rhyme, meter)
Writing Simple Poems

Chapter 13

AI-assisted writing production

Exploring AI Writing Tools
How AI Can Assist in Writing and Editing
Producing a Short Essay or Creative Work Using AI

Chapter 14

Project Presentation

Presenting Final Projects
Reflecting on the Use of AI in the Writing Process
Competency Test (Final Project Evaluation)

Pengumpulan Berkas

Bukti Perkuliahan
Luaran Kuliah

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nabila

    Puisi Yang Menyentuh

    Dibumi Pertiwi Kala muda bersatu
    Mengumandangkan janji suara hati satu
    “Satu tanah air Indonesia namanya”
    “Satu bangsa bersaudara selamanya”
    “Satu bahasa Indonesia menyatukan”

    Sumpah pemuda, Semangat takkan padam menjadi apai menerangi jalan menjadi semangat, untuk terus berjuang membangun negeri,masa depan gemilang

    On The motherland when youth is united Shouting Promises the Conscience Of one
    “One homelad, Indonesia is the name”
    “One nation brother Forever”
    “One language Indonesia united”

    Youth vow the spirit Will not be extinguished
    Become a fire light up the way
    Be enthusiastic to keep fighting
    Building the country a glorious future

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