on Children
Listening to “APT” by Rose and Bruno Mars can have several potential influences on children that need to be understood in detail. The song features themes that are generally more appropriate for an adult audience, such as romance, partying, and late-night freedom. Here are some of the impacts this song might have on younger listeners:
1. Misunderstanding Romantic Relationships
- Lyrics Suggesting Physical Intimacy: The song includes lines that touch on physical closeness in a romantic context, such as “Kissy face, kissy face” and “Come give me something I can feel.” Children may not yet have a full understanding of healthy romantic relationships, and these lyrics might give them the wrong impression that physical affection is the main way to show love.
- Premature Exposure to Romantic Themes: Children are not yet ready to fully understand the complexities and responsibilities of romantic relationships. Listening to songs like this might lead them to form shallow or premature ideas about love and affection, which should ideally be explored with age-appropriate guidance.
2. Misconceptions About Late-Night Partying
- Messages of Partying and Freedom: Lyrics like “Turn this 아파트 into a club” and “Party all night” suggest a party lifestyle that’s more suitable for adults. Children hearing these lyrics might misinterpret partying and boundless freedom as normal or desirable, not fully understanding the limitations and consequences of such lifestyles.
- Neglecting Healthy Routines: Children need consistent routines and proper sleep to grow and develop healthily. The idea of staying out late partying could lead children to think that regular routines and rest aren’t important, which goes against their physical and mental needs. This could confuse them and even encourage unhealthy habits.
3. Influence on the Concept of Freedom Without Responsibility
- Encouragement of Unrestricted Fun: Lines like “Sleep tomorrow, but tonight go crazy” imply that fun is more important than responsibility. Children might take this message the wrong way and believe that living without limits is a priority. At this stage in life, it’s essential that they learn the value of responsibility, commitment, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
- Misunderstanding the Value of Freedom: Children are highly impressionable and are still learning about values and ethics. The theme of carefree freedom in the song might encourage them to undervalue structure and rules, which are essential for their development and understanding of boundaries.
4. Confusion Due to Language and Lyrics
- Mix of English and Korean: The song uses a blend of English and Korean, such as the repeated phrase “아파트 아파트” (which means “apartment” in Korean). If children don’t understand both languages, they might become confused by the mix and repeat the lyrics without grasping their meaning. This could lead to misunderstandings or a partial understanding of the song’s content.
- Repeating Without Understanding: If children frequently listen to and repeat lyrics they don’t understand, they might focus more on the melody and the sound of the words rather than the meaning behind them. This could limit their appreciation for lyrics that carry positive or educational messages, as they might get used to memorizing songs without comprehending the full message.
5. Potential Impact on Social Behavior and Attitudes
- Imitating Adult Lifestyles: Children often mimic what they hear and see. By listening to this song, they might begin to idolize or mimic adult behaviors, such as partying or romantic relationships, which could influence their social behavior and attitudes. Children might start using expressions or language they’ve heard in the song without understanding the context.
- Blurring the Lines Between Child and Adult Activities: Since the song discusses themes more common in the adult world, children might lose a clear sense of what activities are appropriate for their age. This could affect how they view social interactions, which should focus more on play, learning, and age-appropriate experiences.
Overall, listening to “APT” may have an impact that is not ideal for children, as the song deals with romance, freedom, and late-night partying—subjects typically associated with adult life. Children still need guidance to understand healthy relationships, the importance of responsibility, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. If they are exposed to this song repeatedly without proper supervision, it could influence their understanding of these concepts in a less positive way. Therefore, for healthier development, children would be better off listening to songs with positive messages that are more suited to their age.