Review of the movie “Agak Laen”

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Title : Agak Laen

Writer : Muhadkly Acho

Director : Muhadkly Acho

Artists : 

–  Boris Bokir

– Indra Jegel

– Bene Dion

– Oki Rengga

– Tissa Biani

– Arie Keriting, and others

Genre : Horror – Comedy

Background : Agak Laen is an Indonesian horror-comedy film released on February 1, 2024 and the third film produced by Imajinari Production House. The movie takes place in a haunted house at the night market which gives a unique and interesting atmosphere. The movie tells the story of four friends who have a haunted house business at the night market with a difficult economy and there are several conflicts that make oki and his friends feel scared and threatened.

Story Summary

This movie tells the story of four friends, namely boris, bene, jegel, and oki who own a haunted house ride business at the night market. However, their business is having a difficult time because there are no visitors who feel surprised and scared when they come to the haunted house. Until these four friends tried to save their haunted house business from bankruptcy by renovating it. And after the renovation they had to face strange and frightening events, and threatened their lives. Where the incident started from a visitor who came to the haunted house died in their haunted house because he had heart disease. And it turned out that the visitor was a legislative candidate, making them afraid that this incident would be revealed and then their newly started business would be destroyed again. With that fear they tried to hide the incident by burying him in his haunted house.

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Critical Evaluation

In my opinion, the success of this movie lies in the strength of the movie where the theme and concept combine two genres at once, namely the horror and comedy genres. And that merger is the biggest challenge for the director who must maintain a balance between horror tension and humor, so that the audience still feels emotionally involved but also entertained. And the chemistry between the main cast characters is very pronounced which can make their interactions feel natural and convincing.

Although it focuses more on the comedy element, the horror element contained in this film is well maintained through the selection of locations, lighting, and music that support the atmosphere. This movie also has a storyline that is not boring, starting from the story of four friends who have their own problems to start a haunted house ride business at the night market with various obstacles they have to go through, such as people dying in their rides and being buried in the rides. Then they have to take responsibility for their actions together.

The disadvantages of this movie include too many advertisements that are quite annoying and reduce the excitement while watching, and there are several scenes that are deemed inappropriate. These scenes include scenes of mutilation of corpses, corpses that are forcibly buried, then urinated on, and the grave is dug up again to be moved to an empty grave which is none other than the burrow ordered by the biological mother of one of the film’s characters.

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And even so, Muhadkly Acho manages to combine two genres at once that can entertain the audience. Although there are some shortcomings in this film, this film manages to provide a pleasant audience experience with a combination of horror and humor presented in this film.


Agak Laen is a movie that effectively combines two genres, namely horror and comedy, which can create an entertaining balance for the audience. The film tells the story of four friends who struggle to save their haunted house business through renovations and followed by a tense incident that threatens their lives, and provides an interesting and not boring plot for the audience. The main focus of the movie is comedy, but the horror elements are well maintained through technical elements, such as location, lighting, and music.

Although the film has some flaws, it still succeeds in providing an enjoyable audience experience with an effective combination of horror and humor. This movie is perfect for audiences who want to experience the sensation of both genres in one show and is suitable for audiences who do not like horror elements that are too heavy. And for horror-comedy movie lovers, it can be quite an interesting alternative even though it is not completely free from genre clichés.

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Fakultas Agama Islam dan Pendidikan Guru / Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Kelas Sore

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