“ A.Haven Of Peace “

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In my room, which has a gray door when entering my own room there are several items that are sufficient for my own room needs, namely there is a wooden cupboard which has 5 tiers of cupboards, apart from that I have a 4 tier cupboard whose function is to a place for my study books, make-up tools and some small dolls that I arranged neatly in the cupboard. In my room I also have small decorations attached to the walls of the room, namely photos of me when I was in elementary school, my sister’s graduation photo and there is 1 calligraphy painting that I made this painting myself. Apart from that, I also have a bed that is quite comfortable for me, which has brown sheets decorated with doll motifs. Apart from that, on the bed I also have pillows and bolsters that are very comfortable to sleep on. using it doesn’t make my head hurt, in another part of my room I also have a window covered by cream colored curtains, the curtains have gray iron so it is easy for me to use, in another part I also have a circular hanger whose function is to store my gamis clothes then next to it there is a glass which is quite long, on the wall it also has a white switch whose function is to turn on and off the light in my own room. In the last part it is on the floor, more precisely under my bed. there is a red and black batik motif carpet.


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Fakultas agama islam dan pendidikan guru sekolah dasar UNIVERSITAS DJUANDA

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Fachri Helmanto

    cukup oke nih, bagusnya sih klo dipisah menjadi beberapa paragraf. jadi pembaca ga cepat letih dalam membaca. bikin pembaca tuk terus membaca kan kereeen!!

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