A Shared Sanctuary

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This room is the most comfortable space for spending free time, whether for worship, relaxation, sleep, or study. It’s not just mine; my brother and parents share it too.

As you enter, a quiet and calm atmosphere envelops you. The walls and ceiling are painted a soothing white. To the right of the door, a clothes hanger holds three bags, and a 16-inch fan above cools the room.

Next to it, a table supports several used pillows, with a large glass hidden behind them that must be moved to access the pillows. To the left, there are three cabinets: two large and one small. The small cabinet remains empty, while the tops of the larger cabinets are cluttered with three shoe boxes, a folding mattress, and eight stacks of university module books. These books cover various subjects, including school-based management, introduction to education, and educational statistics.

Finally, a mattress for sleeping completes the room, creating a cozy retreat for the entire family.

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Baca Juga:  a room full of memories


Fakultas Agama Islam dan Pendidikan Guru / Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Kelas Sore

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Fachri Helmanto

    gokil nih deskripsinya, sampe sebutkan 16-inch fan. beberapa hal rinci lainnya juga udah disebutin. cuma kenapa matrasnya disebut cuma 1 aja ya, digambar kan ada 2, yang bersandar ke tembok dan di atas lemari tuh. lagian buat tidur bareng2, matrasnya segede apa, kurang mereun.

  2. Comprar Reseñas Google

    Buen contenido, complementa bastante la información que leí recientemente en otro artículo sobre el mismo tema.

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